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Surname List


Descendants of Lieutenant Benjamin Woodruff of New Jersey

Surname List

A |B |C |D |E |F |G |H |I |J |K |L |M |N |O |P |Q |R |S |T |U |V |W |X |Y |Z


- A -

, Anderson , Arnold , Atha , Ayres , Azbell

- B -

, Bailey , Baker , Barton , Bayes , Beattie , Bennett , Benson , Bishop , Booth , Bostwick , Botts , Brady , Brewer , Brown , Brunner , Bucks

- C -

, Callahan , Camp , Campbell , Canter , Carpenter , Casto , Chase , Chastine , Christian , Clifford , Corlett , Cornell , Cottrill , Cox , Coyan

- D -

, Davis , Decker , DeLong , DeMent , Donham , Dow , Downs , Dye

- E -

, Eckols , Eisnaugle , Evans

- F -

, Fain , Farney , Frakes , Fredland , Friend , Fulk

- G -

, Gambill , Garrett , Gilmore , Gleason

- H -

, Hagen , Hander , Hart , Hess , Hewell , Hewitt , Highland , Hill , Hitchcock , Hoffman , Houghy , Houser , Howard , Howdyshell , Humphreys , Hunter

- J -

, Justice

- K -

, Kern , Keyser , King , Kirk

- L -

, Lambert , Leach , Lee , Leonard , Levering , Lindauer , Locke , Lovett , Lowe

- M -

, Magoto , Malone , Marshall , Martin , Marvin , Maybe , McClelland , McGown , McKitrick , McManus , McQuade , Merideth , Miller , Milliken , Montgomery , Moody , Moore , Morris , Myers

- N -

, Nease , Newell , Nicholas , Nitta , Norrison

- O -

, Oaks , Ours

- P -

, Paine , Parsons , Pemberton , Pennington , Perry , Phillips , Piccolomini , Pickerel , Prater , Preston , Price

- R -

, Radabaugh , Radcliffe , Raidt , Ramer , Rawlings , Raynor , Reed , Remy , Rhodes , Rice , Rider , Roberts , Romaine

- S -

, Salser , Scheer , Schwartz , Scott , Secrist , Shape , Sharp , Sherman , Show , Shultz , Silvey , Skinner , Slack , Smith , Spires , Spohr , Sprouse , Stacy , Stanton , Starcher , Staten , Steele , Stewart , Stone , Street , Strickland , Stroth , Suthers , Swaim

- T -

, Taylor , Theobold , Thomas , Thompson , Torrence , Tripp , Turner

- U -

, Ursillo

- V -

, Vernon , Virgin , Vitalie , Vyars

- W -

, Wade , Walker , Walters , Walton , Ward , Warner , Wells , Whitaker , White , Wilbur , Will , Williams , Wilson , Winks , Wireman , Wiseman , Wong , Woodruff , Woolum , Wright , Wyckoff

- Y -

, Yavornitzky , Young

- Z -

, Zimmerman , Zinn

Name Index


Copyright 1998-2005 Natalie Cottrill
Last update May 31, 2009
Comments to nataliesnet-at-nataliesnet.com

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