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A History of Newton, New Hampshire



bulletName: Mary Ann Frear
bulletEmail: maryannfrear-at-hotmail.com
bulletDate: 07 Jan 2005




Saw the Chase name (back to 1640) at this site when I googled Hannah Chase. Looking for Meigs County, Ohio Chases.

bulletName: Arnold Woodruff
bulletEmail: arnisi-at-aol.com
bulletAddress: 4805 Rodney Rd.; Richmond, VA 23230
bulletDate: 09 Jan 2005




Grandson of Arnold (Arnel) Woodruff (6th generation. My father was the eldest son of Arnold and Ruth Woodruff. He was born in Columbus and had 6 children, of whom I am the eldest. I have two sons, Nathan (7/6/1977) and Russell (3/4/1982).

bulletName: John Leshere
bulletEmail: JLESHER312-at-AOL
bulletDate: 17 Feb 2005




I HAVE COPY OF THE 1868 BOOK, The Trotting Horse of America by Hiram Woodruff. Just wanted to read about him.

bulletName: John W. Woodruff
bulletEmail: woodruffjn-at-insightbb.com
bulletAddress: 401 Washington Ave., Mt. Vernon IN 47620
bulletDate: 13 Mar 2005




I passed on information regarding a Woodruff genealogy from my Grandfather John Woodruff b1891 in Ohio. The majority of the Research was done by my father John E. Woodruff.


This site is fantastic in the details and information. I had been doing a lot of research of the Woodruff name and this site opened up a lot of insight into where Woodruff came from.

bulletName: Holliday McManigal
bulletEmail: mcmanigal4-at-cox.net
bulletDate: 22 Mar 2005


Woodruff, Brewer


Catherine Woodruff (mother) on death certificate of Alice Brewer Thomas (1871-1941). Catherine was wife of Albert P. Brewer. She was born in Ohio about 1846 or 47. I think Titus H. Woodruff was her father...his parents were born in New Jersey.


Thank-you. I am just beginning research on Woodruff line since I just found Catherine Woodruff's name on my great-grandmother's death certificate.

bulletName: Brenda Hill Tussey
bulletEmail: Sey407-at-aol.com
bulletAddress: Seoul Ln. Dunnellon, Fl.
bulletDate: 22 Mar 2005


Cole, Peters, Howington, Hill,



very good site

bulletName: Shawn Karl Mooney
bulletEmail: moondoggg-at-sbcglobal.net
bulletDate: 17 Apr 2005


Nicholas & Samuel Mooney, Charlotte (father Jacob Wooley)


Charlotte Woodruff Mooney her middle name Parker? husband Nicholas Mooney

Benjamin S. Woodruff of Rahway NJ died prior to 1855

bulletName: Shawn Karl Mooney
bulletEmail: moondoggg-at-sbcglobal.net
bulletAddress: San Mateo, California (SF Bay Area)
bulletDate: 08 May 2005


Mooney, Wooley, Woodruff all Westfield and Elizabeth in Essex county New Jersey


Me, descendent: Nicholas Mooney (b.1763-d.1834) civil war Patriot, his wife Charlotte Parker Woodruff(b.3/11/1768) his son Samuel married Charlotte Wooley daughter of Jacob. They had seven children including Squire Woodruff Mooney who changed his name to Squire Benjamin Mooney or SB Mooney he came to California 1850 Gold Rush died there 1867. His son Squire Varic Mooney d.1918 (SF) His son Karl Mooney d.1947 his son Squire Michael Mooney d.1992 his son Shawn Karl Mooney (me) age 42


Note: Nicolas Mooney (above) one of six brothers: John, Samuel, James, Norris, Henry. All Presbyterian Church Westfield NJ & Cemetery

bulletName: Linda Woodruff Burke Brome
bulletEmail: lindabrome-at-comcast.net
bulletDate: 15 May 2005




My great grandfather was Benjamin Morse Woodruff, born April 16, 1872 in Springfield, NJ. I don't have his death date. I do have more information of earlier Woodruffs, but will have to come back to enter it.

bulletName: Tyson Woodruff
bulletEmail: tysonwoodruff-at-hotmail.com
bulletDate: 08 Jul 2005




I was just researching my last name and came across this site. My grandfathers name is Estle Woodruff who is 92 and lives in Lakewood Co. His older brother Jim lives in Arizona and is over 100 yrs old. I don't know much about my grandfathers parents, and I was just curious to find out what relatives are possibly out there. I believed they moved to Denver from Kansas City.


Who knew there were so many Woodruff's.

bulletName: Nancy Gilbert
bulletEmail: Freenow54-at-webtv.net
bulletAddress: 516 Prospect Avenue, Horsham. PA. 19044
bulletDate: 20 Jul 2005




I notice that historical names are popular such as George Washington Woodruff and Henry Clay Woodruff.


I am finding this site very helpful

bulletName: Wilfred J HARRINGTON
bulletEmail: wil_04287-at-yahoo.com
bulletAddress: 870 East Burrough Rd  Bowdoin,ME 04287
bulletDate: 30 Jul 2005


WOODRUFF, Jonathan; Rachel; Walter; Delia;


In my research the name Woodruff appears; it should be linked to the Harrington name; The Woodruffs I'm referring to I have traced to be from Hamilton, Cincinnati OH area they appear in the 1860 census; As I recall the marriage was between John Harrington and Adelia Woodruff; they later moved to KY and WI possibly other places; John was a Capt in the war; Adelia had epilepsy; John was a brother of James and son of William and Betsey (Osgood) Harrington, both John & James were born in Maine. Do any of you records reflect any of the above information?


I enjoyed the easy to read information; it takes so much effort and time to research and compile the details - thanks for the site - wil

bulletName: Ross Woodruff
bulletEmail: rosstattoou-at-aol.com
bulletAddress: uk
bulletDate: 02 Aug 2005



bulletName: John W. Woodruff
bulletEmail: woodruffjn-at-insightbb.com
bulletAddress: 401 Washington Ave., Mt. Vernon IN 47620
bulletDate: 22 Oct 2005





bulletName: Mike Dodds
bulletEmail: mkdodds-at-adelphia.net
bulletDate: 29 Oct 2005


WOODRUFF, Consalay,Shoemaker, Parsons


My first known ancestor is a George Woodruff, Then a benjamin John Woodruff,Who was married to rebecca consalay, then Thomas R. Woodruff,who married jemima shoemaker. Thomas was supposedly in the civil war went awol and reinlisted as thomas Robinson or robertson. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


bulletName: Leslie T Woodruff III
bulletEmail: landcwoodruff-at-comcast.net
bulletDate: 12 Dec 2005




Leslie T. Woodruff, b. September 17, 1884, Essex County, NJ


bulletName: Lilly Woodruff
bulletEmail: petebub2-at-hotmail.com
bulletDate: 24 Dec 2005


WOODRUFF (primarily), Young


From an earlier entry:"About 1810, John Woodruff settled in Pickaway County, Ohio. About 1826, he and his family moved on to Hancock County and were the first white settlers in what would become Eagle Township."

This John was my gggggrandfather. I find it fascinating to know that he was in his mid-thirties when he moved to Pickaway County. Then, in his mid-50's he decided to move to Eagle Twnshp and start again with his wife and parents-in-law in tow. I wonder who his parents were because I know he's not listed as a child in your family or the CT Woodruffs or the Canadian Woodruffs. The only things I know for sure is that he was born in the mid-1770s and married a woman who was born in Virginia.


It's very well put together, and I know a LOT of people appreciate the time you spend keeping it updated.

bulletName: tim woodruff
bulletEmail: twoodruff3-at-woh.rr.com
bulletAddress: 2029 N Sheffield Dr
bulletURL: http://www.
bulletDate: 27 Dec 2005




I believe that I'm a descendent of Joshua Woodruff (born Sep 1818). My grandfather is James Hershel Woodruff (born to James Roy Woodruff and Corda A Tripp in 1911. My father is William W. Woodruff (born in Davisville, Ohio). I'm a member of the US Air Force and I'm trying to find information on members that served in the civil war. I would love to help. Thanks. Tim


Benjamin Squire Woodruff (Reuben & Jane) Wife Hannah Wooley (Jacob & Hannah (Thomas)


Benjamin Squire Woodruff d.1844 (father Rueben) Please help with additional information or connection or links of Benjamin Squire or Rueben. Or family info on Norris, Parker, Wooley, Stratton, Stansberey, Felch, Garthwaite, High, Thompson


all of Union county NJ, previously Essex county. Cities of Elizabethtown, Rahway, Westfield, Cranford, Springfield. Woodbridge in Middlesex County NJ

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Copyright 1998-2005 Natalie Cottrill
Last update May 31, 2009
Comments to nataliesnet-at-nataliesnet.com

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