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Woodruff Notes - Page 9


A History of Newton, New Hampshire



Descendants of Lieutenant Benjamin Woodruff of New Jersey


172. Adam Benjamin Woodruff

CENSUS:  1870 Gallia County Ohio; Greenfield Township; PO Patriot; Page 4; Folio 369b; Dwelling 25; Family 25; Lines 29-36; conducted on June 18, 1870; Family History Library; MF 552702.
Information from 1870 Census:  Adam WOODRUFF is living with John [sic] WOODRUFF, who is listed as head of household.  Adam is male, white, age 1, and born in Ohio.

CENSUS:  1880 Jackson County Ohio; Scioto Township; SD 4; ED 80; Sheet 31; Folio 221c; Dwelling 269; Family 268; Lines 15-24; conducted on June 24, 1880; Family History Library; MF 1255037.
Information from 1880 Census:  Adam B. WOODRUFF is the son of Joshua WOODRUFF, who is listed as head of household.  Adam is male, white, age 11, single, and born in Ohio.  His father was born in Ohio, but his mother was born in Virginia.  Adam is attending school.

MARRIAGE:  Jackson County Ohio Marriage Records; Volume I; 1889-1893; Page 366; #2799; Family History Library; MF 301046.
Information from Marriage Record:  Adam B. WOODRUFF is over the age of 21 years and he married Annie R. WALTERS who is over the age of 18.  Marriage took place on 28 November 1892.  Services were performed by Joseph DICKSON, JP.

CENSUS:  1900 Jackson County Ohio; Milton Township; Wellston Village; Ward 3; ED 59; Sheet 18b; Folio 310b; Dwelling 336; Family 376; conducted on June 1900; Family History Library; MF 1241319.
Information from 1900 Census:  Addam B. WOODRUFF is listed as head of household.  Addam is male, white, age 31, widowed and born April 1869 in Ohio. His father was born in West Virginia [sic], but his mother was born in Ohio [sic].  Addam works as a coal miner.  He can read and write and he speaks English.  Other occupants living with Addam - Stella M. WOODRUFF, his daughter.

CENSUS:  1910 Jackson County Ohio; Milton Township; SD 9; ED 66; Sheet 2a; Folio 177a; Dwelling 26; Family 27; conducted on April 16, 1910; Family History Library; MF 1375211.
Information from 1910 Census:  Adam B. WOODRUFF is listed as head of household. Adam is male, white, age 42, and born in Ohio.  Both of his parents were born in Ohio.  Adam has been married the second time for 7 years.  He works as a coal miner.  Adam can read and write and he speaks English.  He owns his farm with a mortgage.  Other occupants living with Adam - Alma WOODRUFF, his wife; Garth and Abraham WOOTEN, his step-sons; Estella M. and Agnes C. WOODRUFF, his daughters; and Benjamin C. WOODRUFF, his son.

Annie R. Walters

MARRIAGE:  Jackson County Ohio Marriage Records; Volume I; 1889-1893; Page 366; #2799; Family History Library; MF 301046.
Information from Marriage Record:  Adam B. WOODRUFF is over the age of 21 years and he married Annie R. WALTERS who is over the age of 18.  Marriage took place on 28 November 1892.  Services were performed by Joseph DICKSON, JP.

BURIAL:  Mary J. Hixon and Frances Welch Hixon, compilers, "Cemetery Inscriptions of Jackson County, Ohio," Volume 2, (Baltimore, MD:  Gateway Press, Inc., 1982); Family History Library; 977.185 V3h v.2.
Information from Burial Record:  Anna R. WOODRUFF, wife of B. WOODRUFF, 12 October 1874 - 17 June 1894, Ridgewood Cemetery.

354. Estella M. Woodruff

CENSUS:  1900 Jackson County Ohio; Milton Township; Wellston Village; Ward 3; ED 59; Sheet 18b; Folio 310b; Dwelling 336; Family 376; conducted on June 1900; Family History Library; MF 1241319.
Information from 1900 Census:  Stella M. WOODRUFF is the daughter of Addam B. WOODRUFF, who is listed as head of household.  Stella is female, white, age 6, single, and born December 1893 in Ohio.  Both of her parents were born in Ohio.

CENSUS:  1910 Jackson County Ohio; Milton Township; SD 9; ED 66; Sheet 2a; Folio 177a; Dwelling 26; Family 27; conducted on April 16, 1910; Family History Library; MF 1375211.
Information from 1910 Census:  Estella M. WOODRUFF is the daughter of Adam B. WOODRUFF, who is listed as head of household.  Estella is female, white, age 16, single, and born in Ohio.  Both of her parents were born in Ohio.  Estella can read and write.  She is attending school.

Alice May Paine

CENSUS:  1910 Jackson County Ohio; Milton Township; SD 9; ED 66; Sheet 2a; Folio 177a; Dwelling 26; Family 27; conducted on April 16, 1910; Family History Library; MF 1375211.
Information from 1910 Census:  Alma WOODRUFF is the wife of Adam B. WOODRUFF, who is listed as head of household.  Alma is female, white, age 43 and born in Kentucky.  Her father was born in Pennsylvania, but her mother was born in Kentucky.  Alma has been married for the second time for 7 years.  She is the mother of 5 children, only 4 of whom are still living.  Alma works as a farm laborer at home.  She can read and write and she speaks English.

355. Agnes C. Woodruff

CENSUS:  1910 Jackson County Ohio; Milton Township; SD 9; ED 66; Sheet 2a; Folio 177a; Dwelling 26; Family 27; conducted on April 16, 1910; Family History Library; MF 1375211.
Information from 1910 Census:  Agnes C. WOODRUFF is the daughter of Adam B. WOODRUFF, who is listed as head of household.  Agnes is female, white, age 6, single, and born in Ohio.  Her father was born in Ohio, but her mother was born in Kentucky.  Agnes is attending school.

356. Benjamin C. Woodruff

CENSUS:  1910 Jackson County Ohio; Milton Township; SD 9; ED 66; Sheet 2a; Folio 177a; Dwelling 26; Family 27; conducted on April 16, 1910; Family History Library; MF 1375211.
Information from 1910 Census:  Benjamin C. WOODRUFF is the son of Adam B. WOODRUFF, who is listed as head of household.  Benjamin is male, white, age 4, single, and born in Ohio.  His father was born in Ohio, but his mother was born in Kentucky.

174. Nellie Myrtle Woodruff

MARRIAGE:  Jackson County Ohio Marriage Records; Volume J-L; 1893-1902; Volume J; Page 8; #2978; Family History Library; MF 301047.
Information from Marriage Record:  Nellie Myrtle WOODRUFF married Aloyeius M. STANTON on 25 June 1893.

CENSUS:  1880 Jackson County Ohio; Scioto Township; SD 4; ED 80; Sheet 31; Folio 221c; Dwelling 269; Family 268; Lines 15-24; conducted on June 24, 1880; Family History Library; MF 1255037.
Information from 1880 Census:  Nellie M. WOODRUFF is the daughter of Joshua WOODRUFF, who is listed as head of household.  Nellie is female, white, age 6, single, and born in Ohio.  Her father was born in Ohio, but her mother was born in Virginia.  Nellie is attending school.

Aloysius M. Stanton

MARRIAGE:  Jackson County Ohio Marriage Records; Volume J-L; 1893-1902; Volume J; Page 8; #2978; Family History Library; MF 301047.
Information from Marriage Record:  Nellie Myrtle WOODRUFF married Aloyeius M. STANTON on 25 June 1893.

177. Ernest Edward Woodruff

BIRTH:  Jackson County Ohio Birth Records; Volume A; 1867-1879; Page 320; #617; Family History Library; MF 301032.
Information from Birth Record:  Ernest E. WOODRUFF was born 9 April 1878 in Scioto Township.  He was male, the son of Joshua WOODRUFF and Sarah F. MILLER.

CENSUS:  1880 Jackson County Ohio; Scioto Township; SD 4; ED 80; Sheet 31; Folio 221c; Dwelling 269; Family 268; Lines 15-24; conducted on June 24, 1880; Family History Library; MF 1255037.
Information from 1880 Census:  Earnest E. WOODRUFF is the son of Joshua WOODRUFF, who is listed as head of household.  Earnest is male, white, age 2, single, and born in Ohio.  His father was born in Ohio, but his mother was born in Virginia.

CENSUS:  1900 Jackson County Ohio; Milton Township; Wellston Village; Ward 3; ED 59; Sheet 18b; Folio 310b; Dwelling 336; Family 3375; conducted on June 1900; Family History Library; MF 1241319.
Information from 1900 Census:  Edwin E. WOODRUFF is the son of Sarrah WOODRUFF, who is listed as head of household.  Edwin is male, white, age 22, single, and born April 1878 in Ohio.  His father was born in West Virginia [sic], but his mother was born in Ohio [sic].  Edwin works as a coal miner.  He can read and write and he speaks English.

362. Ivy Garnet Woodruff

DEATH:  Jackson County Ohio Death Records; 1867-1908; Volume C; Page 360; #31; Family History Library; MF 301042.
Information from Death Record:  Ivy WOODRUF, a female, died on 31 March 1904 in Wellston, Ohio.  She was single, aged 9 months 22 days and born in Wellston. Ivy died of lung congestion.

BURIAL:  Mary J. Hixon and Frances Welch Hixon, compilers, "Cemetery Inscriptions of Jackson County, Ohio," Volume 2, (Baltimore, MD:  Gateway Press, Inc., 1982); Family History Library; 977.185 V3h v.2.
Information from Burial Record:  Ivy Garnet WOODRUFF, daughter of Ernest and Minnie WOODRUFF, 10 June 1903 - 31 March 1904, Salem Cemetery.

179. John A. Woodruff

CENSUS:  1850 Scioto County Ohio; Madison Township; Page 262a; Dwelling 181; Family 181; Lines 3-7; conducted on August 24, 1850; Family History Library; MF 444720.
Information from 1850 Census:  John WOODRUFF is living with Washington WOODRUFF, who is listed as head of household.  John is male, age 4 and born in Ohio.

CENSUS:  1860 Jackson County Ohio; Hamilton Township; PO Jackson; Page 169a; Sheet 125; Dwelling 884; Family 874; Lines 28-34; conducted on July 19, 1860; Family History Library; MF 803992.
Information from 1860 Census:  John A. WOODRUFF is living with Washington WOODRUFF, who is listed as head of household.  John is male, age 14 and born in Ohio.  He is attending school.

CENSUS:  1880 Jackson County Ohio; Milton Township; SD 4; ED 78; Page 183c; Sheet 31; Wellston; 1st Precinct; Dwelling 196; Family 202; Lines 31-34; conducted on June 2, 1880; Family History Library; MF 1255036.
Information from 1880 Census:  John WOODRUFF is listed as head of household. John is female, white, age 29, married and born in Ohio.  The birthplaces of his parents are not listed.  John works at blast furnace.  Other occupants living with John - Ella WOODRUFF, his wife; Gertrude WOODRUFF, his daughter; and Vista MITORINE, a servant.  Vista is female, white, age 19 and born in Ohio.

CENSUS:  1900 Jackson County Ohio; Liberty Township; ED 51; Sheet 11a; Folio 150a; Dwelling 201; Family 201; Lines 38-42; conducted on June 15, 1900; Family History Library; MF 1241289.
Information from 1900 Census:  John WOODRUFF is listed as head of household. John is male, white, age 53, and born October 1846 in Ohio.  His father was born in Ohio, but his mother was born in Virginia.  John works as a farmer and he owns his farm with a mortgage.  He and his wife have been married for 30 years.  John can read and write and he speaks English.  Other occupants living with John - Mariah E. WOODRUFF, his wife; George W. WOODRUFF, his father; Maggie WOODRUFF, his niece; and Nellie QUADE, his grand-daughter.

Mariah Ellen Locke

CENSUS:  1880 Jackson County Ohio; Milton Township; SD 4; ED 78; Page 183c; Sheet 31; Wellston; 1st Precinct; Dwelling 196; Family 202; Lines 31-34; conducted on June 2, 1880; Family History Library; MF 1255036.
Information from 1880 Census:  Ella WOODRUFF is the wife of John WOODRUFF, who is listed as head of household.  Ella is female, white, age 26, married and born in Kentucky.  Both of her parents were born in Kentucky.  Ella works at keeping house.

CENSUS:  1900 Jackson County Ohio; Liberty Township; ED 51; Sheet 11a; Folio 150a; Dwelling 201; Family 201; Lines 38-42; conducted on June 15, 1900; Family History Library; MF 1241289.
Information from 1900 Census:  Mariah E. WOODRUFF is the wife of John WOODRUFF, who is listed as head of household.  Mariah is female, white, age 47, and born Mary 1853 in Kentucky.  Both of her parents were born in Kentucky.  Mariah is the mother of 3 children, only 1 of whom is still living.  She and her husband have been married for 30 years.  Mariah can read and write and she speaks English.

182. George Washington Woodruff

CENSUS:  1860 Jackson County Ohio; Hamilton Township; PO Jackson; Page 169a; Sheet 125; Dwelling 884; Family 874; Lines 28-34; conducted on July 19, 1860; Family History Library; MF 803992.
Information from 1860 Census:  George W. WOODRUFF is living with Washington WOODRUFF, who is listed as head of household.  George is male, age 6 and born in Ohio.  He is attending school.

CENSUS:  1870 Jackson County Ohio; Jefferson Township; PO Oak Hill; Page 16; Folio 86b; Dwelling 113; Family 115; Lines 16-23; conducted on June 18, 1870; Family History Library; MF 552725.
Information from 1870 Census:  George W. WOODRUFF is living with Washington WOODRUFF, who is listed as head of household.  George is male, white, age 15, and born in Ohio.  He works at a blast furnace and is attending school.

MARRIAGE:  Jackson County Ohio Marriages; Volume F; 1872-1878; Page 407; #7273; Family History Library; MF 301045.
Information from Marriage Record:  George Washington WOODRUFF married Vina PHILLIPS on 3 October 1878.  Services were conducted by Jonathan DAVIS, JP.

CENSUS:  1880 Jackson County Ohio; Milton Township; Wellston; 1st Precinct; ED 78; Sheet 30; Folio 182b; Dwelling 185; Family 189; Lines 10-13; conducted on conducted on June 2, 1880; Family History Library; MF 1255036.
Information from 1880 Census:  George WOODRUFF is listed as head of household. George is male, white, age 23, married and born in Ohio.  Both of his parents were born in Ohio.  George cannot read or write.  He works at a blast furnace. Other occupants living with George - Lorina WOODRUFF, his wife; Dallis WOODRUFF, his son; and Mary DAVIS, a servant.  Mary DAVIS is female, white, age 12, and born in Ohio.

Lovina Phillips

MARRIAGE:  Jackson County Ohio Marriages; Volume F; 1872-1878; Page 407; #7273; Family History Library; MF 301045.
Information from Marriage Record:  George Washington WOODRUFF married Vina PHILLIPS on 3 October 1878.  Services were conducted by Jonathan DAVIS, JP.

CENSUS:  1880 Jackson County Ohio; Milton Township; Wellston; 1st Precinct; ED 78; Sheet 30; Folio 182b; Dwelling 185; Family 189; Lines 10-13; conducted on conducted on June 2, 1880; Family History Library; MF 1255036.
Information from 1880 Census:  Lovina WOODRUFF is the wife of George WOODRUFF, who is listed as head of household.  Lovina is female, white, age 18, married and born in Ohio.  Both of her parents were born in Ohio.  Lovina works at keeping house.

364. Dallas Woodruff

CENSUS:  1880 Jackson County Ohio; Milton Township; Wellston; 1st Precinct; ED 78; Sheet 30; Folio 182b; Dwelling 185; Family 189; Lines 10-13; conducted on conducted on June 2, 1880; Family History Library; MF 1255036.
Information from 1880 Census:  Dallis WOODRUFF is the son of George WOODRUFF, who is listed as head of household.  Dallis is male, white, age 9/12, single, and born September in Ohio.  Both of his parents were born in Ohio.

365. Margaret Woodruff

MARRIAGE:  Jackson County Ohio Marriages; Volume L; Page 497; #5757; Family History Library; MF 301047.
Information from Marriage Record:  Maggie WOODRUFF will be 19 years old on 11 February 1902.  She lives in Wellston, Jackson County, Ohio and was born at Beard Furnace, Perry County, Ohio.  Her parents are George WOODRUFF and Lavina PHILLIPS.  Maggie married Edward COYAN on 15 January 1902.  Services were performed by Ira A. REDFERN.  Edward COYAN will be 20 years old on 23 May 1901. He was born and currently resides in Jackson County, Ohio.  He works as a fireman.  His parents are Jackson COYAN and Sarah OVERLY.

Edward Coyan

MARRIAGE:  Jackson County Ohio Marriages; Volume L; Page 497; #5757; Family History Library; MF 301047.
Information from Marriage Record:  Maggie WOODRUFF will be 19 years old on 11 February 1902.  She lives in Wellston, Jackson County, Ohio and was born at Beard Furnace, Perry County, Ohio.  Her parents are George WOODRUFF and Lavina PHILLIPS.  Maggie married Edward COYAN on 15 January 1902.  Services were performed by Ira A. REDFERN.  Edward COYAN will be 20 years old on 23 May 1901. He was born and currently resides in Jackson County, Ohio.  He works as a fireman.  His parents are Jackson COYAN and Sarah OVERLY.

183. Mary E. Woodruff

CENSUS:  1860 Jackson County Ohio; Hamilton Township; PO Jackson; Page 169a; Sheet 125; Dwelling 884; Family 874; Lines 28-34; conducted on July 19, 1860; Family History Library; MF 803992.
Information from 1860 Census:  Margaretta WOODRUFF is living with Washington WOODRUFF, who is listed as head of household.  Margaretta is female, age 4 and born in Ohio.  She is attending school.

CENSUS:  1870 Jackson County Ohio; Jefferson Township; PO Oak Hill; Page 16; Folio 86b; Dwelling 113; Family 115; Lines 16-23; conducted on June 18, 1870; Family History Library; MF 552725.
Information from 1870 Census:  Marietta WOODRUFF is living with Washington WOODRUFF, who is listed as head of household.  Marietta is female, white, age 13, and born in Ohio.  She helps her mom.  Marietta is attending school.

CENSUS:  1880 Jackson County Ohio; Milton Township; Wellston; 1st Precinct; ED 78; Sheets 10 and 11; Folios 172b and 173c; Dwelling 59; Family 61; Lines 46-50 and Lines 1-5; conducted on June 2, 1880; Family History Library; MF 1255036.
Information from 1880 Census:  Mary E. PHILLIPS is the daughter of George W. WOODRUFF, who is listed as head of household.  Mary is female, white, age 23, married and born in Ohio.  Both of her parents were born in Ohio.  Mary suffered from consumption in the past year.

John Phillips

CENSUS:  1880 Jackson County Ohio; Milton Township; Wellston; 1st Precinct; ED 78; Sheets 10 and 11; Folios 172b and 173c; Dwelling 59; Family 61; Lines 46-50 and Lines 1-5; conducted on June 2, 1880; Family History Library; MF 1255036.
Information from 1880 Census:  John PHILLIPS is the son-in-law of George W. WOODRUFF, who is listed as head of household.  John is male, white, age 36 and born in Ohio.  Both of his parents were born in Ohio.  John works at a blast furnace.

366. Ella Phillips

CENSUS:  1880 Jackson County Ohio; Milton Township; Wellston; 1st Precinct; ED 78; Sheets 10 and 11; Folios 172b and 173c; Dwelling 59; Family 61; Lines 46-50 and Lines 1-5; conducted on June 2, 1880; Family History Library; MF 1255036.
Information from 1880 Census:  Ella PHILLIPS is the grand-daughter of George W. WOODRUFF, who is listed as head of household.  Ella is female, white, age 5, single, and born in Ohio.  Both of her parents were born in Ohio.

367. Della Phillips

CENSUS:  1880 Jackson County Ohio; Milton Township; Wellston; 1st Precinct; ED 78; Sheets 10 and 11; Folios 172b and 173c; Dwelling 59; Family 61; Lines 46-50 and Lines 1-5; conducted on June 2, 1880; Family History Library; MF 1255036.
Information from 1880 Census:  Della PHILLIPS is the grand-daughter of George W. WOODRUFF, who is listed as head of household.  Della is female, white, age 4, single, and born in Ohio.  Both of her parents were born in Ohio.

368. Georgeann Phillips

CENSUS:  1880 Jackson County Ohio; Milton Township; Wellston; 1st Precinct; ED 78; Sheets 10 and 11; Folios 172b and 173c; Dwelling 59; Family 61; Lines 46-50 and Lines 1-5; conducted on June 2, 1880; Family History Library; MF 1255036.
Information from 1880 Census:  Georgean PHILLIPS is the grand-daughter of George W. WOODRUFF, who is listed as head of household.  Georgean is female, white, age 2, single, and born in Ohio.  Both of her parents were born in Ohio.

369. Frank Woodruff

CENSUS:  1880 Jackson County Ohio; Milton Township; Wellston; 1st Precinct; ED 78; Sheets 10 and 11; Folios 172b and 173c; Dwelling 59; Family 61; Lines 46-50 and Lines 1-5; conducted on June 2, 1880; Family History Library; MF 1255036.
Information from 1880 Census:  Frank WOODRUFF is the grand-son of George W. WOODRUFF, who is listed as head of household.  Frank is male, white, age 9, and born in Ohio.  Both of his parents were born in Ohio.

370. Maggie Woodruff

CENSUS:  1900 Jackson County Ohio; Liberty Township; ED 51; Sheet 11a; Folio 150a; Dwelling 201; Family 201; Lines 38-42; conducted on June 15, 1900; Family History Library; MF 1241289.
Information from 1900 Census:  Maggie WOODRUFF is the niece of John WOODRUFF, who is listed as head of household.  Maggie is female, white, age 17, single, and born February 1883 in Ohio.  Both of her parents were born in Ohio.  Maggie is attending school 6 months of the year.  She can read and write and she speaks English.

186. Lucy Jane Woodruff

CENSUS:  1870 Scioto County Ohio; Portsmouth; Ward 2; Folio 560a; Dwelling 226; Family 236; Lines 10-14; Isaac WOODRUFF household; conducted on June 20, 1870.
Information from 1870 Census:  Lucy J. WOODRUFF is living with Isaac WOODRUFF, who is listed as head of household. Lucy is female, white, age 15 and born in Kentucky.

CENSUS:  1880 Scioto County Ohio; Portsmouth; Folio 278B; William J. BENNETT household; FHL Microfilm 1255064.
Information from 1880 Census:  Lucy J. BENNETT is the wife of William J. BENNETT, who is listed as head of household. Lucy is female, white, age 24 and born in Kentucky. Her father was born in Ohio, but her mother was born in Kentucky.

William Jefferson Bennett

CENSUS:  1880 Scioto County Ohio; Portsmouth; Folio 278B; William J. BENNETT household; FHL Microfilm 1255064.
Information from 1880 Census:  William J. BENNETT is listed as head of household. William is male, white, age 26 and born in Illinois. Both of his parents were born in Ohio. Other occupants living with William - Lucy J. BENNETT, his wife; Edwin J. and Earnest T. BENNETT, his sons.

371. Edwin J. Bennett

CENSUS:  1880 Scioto County Ohio; Portsmouth; Folio 278B; William J. BENNETT household; FHL Microfilm 1255064.
Information from 1880 Census:  Edwin J. BENNETT is the son of William J. BENNETT, who is listed as head of household. Edwin is male, white, age 2 and born in Ohio. His father was born in Illinois, but his mother was born in Kentucky.

Earnest T. BENNETT   Son   S   Male   W   1   OH   At Home   IL   KY

372. Earnest T. Bennett

CENSUS:  1880 Scioto County Ohio; Portsmouth; Folio 278B; William J. BENNETT household; FHL Microfilm 1255064.
Information from 1880 Census:  Earnest T. BENNETT is the son of William J. BENNETT, who is listed as head of household. Earnest is male, white, age 1 and born in Ohio. His father was born in Illinois, but his mother was born in Kentucky.

187. Laura E. Woodruff

BIRTH:  Scioto County Ohio Birth Records; Volume 1; 1867-1879; Page 78; #1677; Family History Library; MF 292703.
Information from Birth Record:  Laura E. WOODRUFF was born on 20 January 1870 in Portsmouth.  Her parents were Isaac WOODRUFF and Mary BOSTIC.

CENSUS:  1870 Scioto County Ohio; Portsmouth; Ward 2; Folio 560a; Dwelling 226; Family 236; Lines 10-14; Isaac WOODRUFF household; conducted on June 20, 1870.
Information from 1870 Census:  Laura E. WOODRUFF is living with Isaac WOODRUFF, who is listed as head of household. Laura is female, white, age 5/12 and born January in Ohio.

CENSUS:  1880 Scioto County Ohio; Portsmouth; SD 4; ED 172; Pages 204a and 204b; Sheets 13 and 14; Dwelling 113; Family 125; Lines 50 and Lines 1-2; conducted on June 4, 1880; Family History Library; MF 1255064.
Information from 1880 Census:  Laura WOODRUFF is the daughter of Isaac WOODRUFF, who is listed as head of household.  Laura is female, white, age 10, single and born in Ohio.  Her father was born in Ohio, but her mother was born in Kentucky.  She is attending school.

MARRIAGE:  Scioto County Ohio Marriage Records; Volume 7-8; Page 443; #885; Family History Library; MF 292698.
Information from Marriage Record:  Daniel V. PHILLIPS married Laura E. WOODRUFF, who is over the age of 18, on 4 September 1888.  Services were conducted by J. I. BLACKBURN.

Daniel V. Phillips

MARRIAGE:  Scioto County Ohio Marriage Records; Volume 7-8; Page 443; #885; Family History Library; MF 292698.
Information from Marriage Record:  Daniel V. PHILLIPS married Laura E. WOODRUFF, who is over the age of 18, on 4 September 1888.  Services were conducted by J. I. BLACKBURN.

374. Lewis E. Phillips

CENSUS:  1900 Scioto County Ohio; Wayne Township; Portsmouth; Ward 2; ED 123; Sheet 7b; Folio 39b; 80 West Fifth Street; Dwelling 149; Family 182; conducted on June 5, 1900; Family History Library; MF 1241319.
Information from 1900 Census:  Lewis E. PHILLIPS is the grand-son of Isaac WOODRUFF, who is listed as head of household.  Lewis is male, white, age 1, single and born March 1899 in Ohio.  Both of his parents were born in Ohio.

190. John Woodruff

CENSUS:  1860 Jackson County Ohio; Hamilton Township; PO Jackson; Page 169b; Sheet 126; Dwelling 887; Family 877; Lines 2-6; conducted on July 20, 1860; Family History Library; MF 803992.
Information from 1860 Census:  John WOODRUFF is living with Wilson WOODRUFF, who is listed as head of household.  John is male, white, age 4/12 and born in Ohio.

Catherine Elizabeth Myers

DEATH:  Lawrence County Ohio Death Records; Volumes 1-3; 1867-1908; #2356; Family History Library; MF 317746.
Information from Death Record:  Catherine WOODRUFF died on 13 April 1904 aged 42 years 4 months 13 days of heart disease.  She was female, white, married and born in Lawrence County.  She died in Perry Township, Lawrence County, Ohio. Ledger 3-574, Reg. 10.

376. Jacob Woodruff

DEATH:  Lawrence County Ohio Death Records; Volumes 1-3; 1867-1908; #2359; Family History Library; MF 317746.
Information from Death Record:  Jacob WOODRUFF died on 24 December 1909, aged 26 years 5 months and 6 days.  He was male, white, single, and born in Kentucky.  He worked as an iron worker and died in Perry Township, Lawrence County, Ohio from injuries from falling from a freight train.  Ledger 1-38, Reg. 38.

191. James W. Levering

CENSUS:  1870 Jackson County Ohio; Bloomfield Township; PO Camba; Page 29; Folio 15a; Dwelling 209; Family 200; conducted on July 4, 1870; Family History Library; MF 552725.
Information from 1870 Census:  James W. LEVERING is living with George W. LEVERING, who is listed as head of household.  James is male, white, age 18, and born in Ohio.  He works as a monthly laborer.

CENSUS:  1880 Jackson County Ohio; Milton Township; Village of Wellston; ED 78; Sheet 20; Dwelling 125; Family 130; Lines 42-47; conducted on June 10, 1880.
Information from 1880 Census:  James W. LEVERING is listed as head of household. James is male, white, age 27, married and born in Ohio. Both of his parents were born in Ohio. He works as a coal miner. Other occupants living with James - Mary LEVERING, his wife; Charles and George LEVERING, his sons; Cora LEVERING, his daughter; and Rachel E. REED, his step-daughter.

383. Charles Levering

CENSUS:  1880 Jackson County Ohio; Milton Township; Village of Wellston; ED 78; Sheet 20; Dwelling 125; Family 130; Lines 42-47; conducted on June 10, 1880.
Information from 1880 Census:  Charles LEVERING is the son of James W. LEVERING, who is listed as head of household. Charles is male, white, age 5, single and born in Ohio. Both of his parents were born in Ohio.


CENSUS:  1880 Jackson County Ohio; Milton Township; Village of Wellston; ED 78; Sheet 20; Dwelling 125; Family 130; Lines 42-47; conducted on June 10, 1880.
Information from 1880 Census:  Mary LEVERING is the wife of James W. LEVERING, who is listed as head of household. Mary is female, white, age 23, married and born in Ohio. Both of her parents were born in Ohio.

384. George Levering

CENSUS:  1880 Jackson County Ohio; Milton Township; Village of Wellston; ED 78; Sheet 20; Dwelling 125; Family 130; Lines 42-47; conducted on June 10, 1880.
Information from 1880 Census:  George LEVERING is the son of James W. LEVERING, who is listed as head of household. George is male, white, age 4, single and born in Ohio. Both of his parents were born in Ohio.

385. Cora Levering

CENSUS:  1880 Jackson County Ohio; Milton Township; Village of Wellston; ED 78; Sheet 20; Dwelling 125; Family 130; Lines 42-47; conducted on June 10, 1880.
Information from 1880 Census:  Cora LEVERING is the daughter of James W. LEVERING, who is listed as head of household. Cora is female, white, age 1, single and born in Ohio. Both of her parents were born in Ohio.


Copyright 1998-2005 Natalie Cottrill
Last update May 31, 2009
Comments to nataliesnet-at-nataliesnet.com

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