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Woodruff Notes - Page 1


A History of Newton, New Hampshire



Descendants of Lieutenant Benjamin Woodruff of New Jersey


1. Lieutenant Benjamin Woodruff

1726 - Birth extrapolated from father's will, wherein, Benjamin was not yet 16 years of age in 1741. [Ceylon Newton Woodruff, "Woodruff Chronicles," (Glendale, CA:  Arthur H. Clark Co., 1967)].

TAX:  Bergen County New Jersey Tax Ratables; Public Record Office; 1778-1822; Franklin Township; Family History Library; MF 865462.
Information from Tax Record:
1778 - Benjamin WOODRUFF, 124 acres, $72.00 value; 96 acres, $25.00 value; 4
      horses; 15 cows; 5 hogs.
1779 - Benjamin WOODRUFF, 124 acres, $72.00 value; 96 acres, $25.00 value; 4
      horses; 15 cows; 5 hogs.
1780   Benjamin WOODRUFF, 60 acres, $42.00 value; 2 horses; 5 cows; 2 hogs.
    < Benjamin WOODRUFF Junr., 160 acres, $48.00 value, 2 horses; 4 cows; 2
1782   Benjamin WOODRUFF, 50 acres, $35.00 value; 170 acres, $51.00 valued, 2
    < horses; 5 cows.
      Benjamin WOODRUFF, 1 cow; 1 householder
1784   Benjamin WOODRUFF, 52 acres, $13.00 value; 128 acres, $20.00 value; 4
    < horses; 12 cows.
    < Benjamin WOODRUFF Junr., 30 acres, $9.00 value; 2 horses; 2 cows
      Joseph TICHENOR, 37 acres, $8.00 value; 1 horse; 4 cows.
1785 - Benjamin WOODRUFF, 20 acres, $6.00 value; 2 horses; 1 cow 1786 - Benjamin WOODRUFF, 60 acres, $16.00 value; 128 acres, $20 value; 6
      horses; 9 cows.
1789 - Joseph WOODRUFF, 10 acres, $2.00 value; 1 horse; 1 cow 1790 - Joseph WOODRUFF, 5 acres, $2.00 value; 5 acres, $1.00 value; 1 horse; 2
      cows; 1 gristmill.
      Jane WOODRUFF, 40 acres, $12.00 value.
1792 - Joseph WOODRUFF, 10 acres, $3.00 value; 1 horse; 2 cows; 1 gristmill. 1793 < Joseph WOODRUFF, 10 acres, $3.00 value; 1 horse; 2 cows; 1 gristmill.
      Daniel WOODRUFF, 1 singleman
1794 - Joseph WOODRUFF, 10 acres, $4.00 value; 2 horses; 2 cows; 1 gristmill.
      Daniel WOODRUFF, 1 cow; 1 householder.
1795 < Joseph WOODRUFF, 10 acres, $4.00 value; 2 horses; 1 gristmill.
      Daniel WOODRUFF, 1 cow; 1 householder
1796-1802 nil WOODRUFF.

MILITARY:  Served as a Lieutenant in the Revolutionary War.

WILL:  Bergen County New Jersey; Surrogate Court - Will Records; 1659B-2488B; Will of Benjamin WOODRUFF; 1780B probated 1786; Family History Library; MF 545441.
Information from Will Record:
--  1780B  "In the name of God Amen, I Benjamin WOODRUFF, yeoman, of Franklin Township and County of Bergen and Eastern Division of the State of New Jersey Being of sound mind and memory thanks be to God therefore but calling to mind the Mortallity of my Body . . ."
   Item:  "Bequeath to my Beloved Wife Jane WOODRUFF the one third part of my estate Real or Personal during her natural life"
   Item:  "and Bequeath unto my oldest son Benjamin WOODRUFF for his primogeniture or Birth-right twenty five shillings in Gold or Silver"
   Item:  "All the remainder of my Estate to be Equally Divided among all my Children:  Benjamin WOODRUFF, Joseph WOODRUFF, Joshua WOODRUFF, Daniel WOODRUFF, Elizabeth my daughter and Moses WOODRUFF Share and Share alike"
   Item:  "and I do Nominate . . . and appoint my Beloved Friends Daniel TICHENOR of Morris County and Stephen MUNSON of the same place Executors and my Dearly Beloved Wife Jane WOODRUFF Executrix of this my Last Will and Testament"
   Written:  30 October 1782.  Signed:  Benjamin WOODRUFF.  Witnesses:  Joseph SAMMIS, James MILLAGE, Joseph WOODRUFF.
-- 1780B  17 Nov 1786.  Joseph SAMMIS swore testimony as a witness to the validity of Benjamin WOODRUFF's will.
-- 1781B  13 Jun 1787.  Benjamin WOODRUFF and Joseph WOODRUFF, administrators of the estate of Benjamin WOODRUFF swore to the completeness and accuracy of the inventory.
-- 1782B  29 Aug 1786.  Inventory of Benjamin WOODRUFF deceased included mostly farming equipment, chattel and tools.


Copyright 1998-2005 Natalie Cottrill
Last update May 31, 2009
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